Friday, June 10, 2011

Times Change, Truth Does Not

Elapsed time sometimes produces changes in perspective. To have perspectives remain unchanged over time means that one has learned nothing from history.

Today I read excerpts of a book published in 1900 by the American Book and Bible House authored by Charles Carroll. It's title was "The Negro a Beast". One hundred and eleven years ago a book by that title was published by a mainstream Christian Publisher!

The contents of the book do not betray it's title. For example Carroll writes, "The average weight of the European brain, males and females, is 1340 grammes; that of the Negro is 1178; of the Hottentot, 974; and of the Australian, 907. The significance of these comparisons appears when we learn that Broca, the most eminent of French anthropologists, states that when the European brain falls below 978 grammes (mean of males and females) the result is idiocy. In this opinion Thurman coincides. The color of the Negro brain is darker than that of the White, and it's density and texture are inferior."

Why the book was not titled "The Australian a Beast" or "What the Heck is a Hottentot and Why Aren't Their Brains Heavier?" I do not know. Carroll later assumes that his numbers weren't entirely accurate and that Caucasian brains probably weigh closer to 1500 grammes. Whew - the book may not have felt bigoted enough without upping the weight of the white brain.

It gets worse (or better if this was a mockumentary highlighting racist absurdity). The book goes on to provide sketches portraying lily white Adam and Eve standing separate from a crying dark skinned baby. The caption reads, "Is the Negro an offspring of Adam and Eve? Can the rose produce a thistle?"

Later sketches in the book show a white woman being married to a black man by a white preacher with a caption that reads, "Can you find a white preacher who would unite in Holy wedlock a burly negro to a white lady?... Ah! parents, you would rather see your daughter burned and her ashes scattered to the winds of heaven."

The book quickly became a bestseller.

To make sure that no one mistakes The American Book and Bible house as an open minded publisher that chooses not to censor it's authors they give their own opinion in the foreword of the book. It reads, "In placing the book The Negro a Beast upon the American market, we do so knowing their will be many learned men who will take issue with us, but while we are fully convinced of this, we are also convinced that when this book is read and it's contents duly weighed and considered in an intelligent and prayerful manner, that it will be to the minds of the American people like unto the voice of God from the clouds appealing unto Paul on his way to Damascus."

This bestselling book was published within a single generation of the Civil War. How is it possible that Christians were the primary buyers of such a book? There were of course Christians who opposed racism in America at that time. A group that William Seymour was associated with used their publishing house in response to promote a book encouraging racial equality titled "Is the Negro a Beast?" Of course that book did not do as well in sales.

I feel challenged today to look carefully and critically at the views to which I adhere. I do not want cultural acceptance to dictate my personal beliefs and standards. Racism was socially acceptable in 1900. It was not and never has been acceptable to God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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