Friday, June 17, 2011

Jealous? Part Deux

Isn't it interesting that the very thing that Saul feared was actualized through his jealousy of David? Saul feared that David would be honored and revered more than himself by the people. Saul's jealousy pushed people away from him and highlighted the favor on David's life even more.

As I read 1 Samuel it feels like Saul is trapped in a "Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!" season. Everywhere he turns people are loving David. Saul's son Jonathan made an oath to protect David from his dad. His daughter hid David when Dad sent men over to kill him in the night. As Saul grew more hateful the people around him adored David more.

Jealousy leads to irrational thoughts and behaviors. Saul's reason was so clouded that he killed the priest Ahimelek for feeding David on his journey. Saul then had 85 priests slaughtered because they were associated with Ahimelek. Then Saul had the men, women,children, infants, and all livestock of the town of Nob butchered because Ahimelek lived there.

Be vigilant with feelings of jealousy and rivalry toward others. Do not let them grow wild. Unchecked they can turn a king into a madman.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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