Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hear Ye, Hear Me?

(Klondike commercial that is more sad than funny as a commentary of our times)

The thoughts in a person's heart are deep waters...

I often imagine the innermost feelings and thoughts of a person to be like treasure on the bottom of the ocean floor. I also picture myself having to hold my breath to get from above water to ocean floor where the treasure lies. These images are helpful to me because I can't hold my breath and talk at the same time. If I really want to find the deep things of a person I need to be quiet long enough to get there. I have to be patient, willing to wait through as I journey from water's top, through the shallows, and eventually all the way to the treasure.

My desire to talk rather than listen is my nemesis in relationships. I have never learned about another by listening to myself talk to them. We live in a culture where silence and true dialogue are foreign commodities. Sadly, having only the tv on is the new silence of our age. Patience, quietness, and active listening are necessary components to foster an atmosphere of understanding.

My relationship with individuals and with God have this in common; I am a better friend when I listen intentionally. It has to be intentional because it feels way more natural to give my unasked for opinion as soon as it floats through my mind. It has to be intentional also because someone will never get to finish a thought or story if I butt in each time their words remind me of something about me.

Some waters are deeper than others. Some treasure seems to float toward the surface while some seem to take a whole lot of breath-holding to get down to it. I am determined to practice holding my breath until I can reach the ocean floor without passing out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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