Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bitterness is Toxic

James Tissot's "Michal despises David" from 1898

Thinking about Michal today. Remember Michal? King Saul's daughter that was in love with David. Saul gave her to David in marriage for 100 Philistine foreskins in an attempt to get David killed. Then Daddy tried to kill David repeatedly. I am sure she had Daddy issues.

David fled town. Saul gave Michal away in marriage to another man. The new husband is CRAZY about Michal. Daddy dies in battle & David officially becomes king.

One of King David's first orders of business was to go get Michal from New Husband and reclaim her as one of his wives. In one of the saddest verses in the bible New Husband follows behind Michal wailing as she is taken off to again be David's wife.

Maybe she was sick of New Husband adoring her so much and she longed to be one of David's wives. The text doesn't tell us how she felt. Sadly, that is probably because no one asked or was concerned.

Later comes Michal's most famous, or rather infamous moment. Once when David returns home successfully he dances before God worshiping wearing very little. Michal is embarrassed by this and calls him undignified. David promises that "Girl, I'll show you undignified!" (may not be an exact quote).
Because Michal criticized something as holy as the worship of someone before God she was struck barren and was unable to have children.

I do not think the following is probably true. I just wonder if it's possible that it could be true. What if Michal was so angry and hurt by being treated like a commodity and having to leave a crying husband that really wanted her that she became spiteful toward David? What if the injustice of going from being a princess to one of the King's many many women that injustice spoiled inside of her and turned to bitterness? I wonder...

Sometimes our response toward being wronged can put us in an even worse place. We are not responsible for the wrong things that happen to us but we are responsible for the way we deal with them. By releasing forgiveness toward those who wrong us we set ourselves free. When someone is unable to forgive another they are victimized doubly. First by the act that occurred, the second by toxicity of undealt with emotions and feelings. The most loving thing a person can do for themselves is to release others of their wrongdoings.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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