Thursday, June 16, 2011


Envy is the ulcer of the soul. - Socrates

God's favor upon a person often provokes jealousy in others. Jealousy is toxic to the development of relationships while internally damaging the person who is jealous. It also leads to irrational thoughts and behaviors.

The story of David is a good example. Goliath was punking out the Israelites daring them to fight while they hid in fear. Doom seemed imminent as the days went by. King Saul offered marriage to his oldest daughter Merab for anyone that could defeat Goliath. No one stepped up to try. That must have a boon to her self image. (Maybe Saul could have guaranteed that anyone that killed Goliath would not have to marry Merab and gotten a few takers.)

David shows up on the scene and is met with disdain by his older brothers. Saul then gives David the "Rocky, you can't win!" speech that Talia Shire gave in the first four of the movies. Everyone assumes that David is about to be giant food when shockingly he wins. He cuts of Goliath's head and the Philistines run from the Israelites like preteen boys from a shower.

Celebrations ensue with singing and dancing. David becomes a hero overnight and Saul will feel indebted to him forever. Right? Nope. Saul allowed David's success to provoke him toward jealousy rather than thankfulness. Saul's insecurity caused him to feel lack when seeing David's abundance.

Jealousy of another causes us to see another person's blessings through the lens of our own lack. Saul's vision was so impeded by his jealousy that he tried to kill David repeatedly. Saul remained king because of the favor on David's life and he hated him for it!

If I am secure in my identity and my relationship with God I can celebrate other's successes freely. I want to have the heart of a father toward others in this regard. I want to be so secure that I always desire for those who come after me to have greater successes than mine. Because Jesus' identity was not in His works, He could desire for us to do even greater things than Him without fear.

When I begin to feel hints of jealousy arising inside of me I try to take action immediately. I ask for forgiveness for doubting God's plan in my life and for thinking that someone else being blessed is withdrawing from me somehow. I then ask God to pour outrageous favor on the person in the area I was jealous about.

If I focus on the things God is doing in my life I am not prone to jealousy. It is when I focus on what I think God is not doing that I catch myself struggling. I don't want to be like Saul - being threatened by what is God is doing for fear of losing my own little kingdom.

By the way, after killing Goliath David said "thanks but no thanks" to marrying Saul's daughter Merab. David later married one of Saul's other daughters Michal. That could make family dinner's awkward.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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