Monday, July 18, 2011

Tales from the Dog Show

Yesterday we wandered into downtown Port Hope and found things that were too good to believe. Some kind of festival was taking place and the sidewalks were full of vendors and the locals were friendly. Most importantly a dog show was about to take place. A COSTUME dog show. All of the dog's competing were in costume!

(It must be understood that I have an internal monologue always running that amuses me throughout my days. Sometimes that monologue expands into dialogues with characters and skits. For the people in my head a costume dog show was the type of goldmine that Sarah Palin was for SNL.)

Here is where it gets even better. The pet owners were also in costume. They wore MATCHING COSTUMES! I don't know why it created the reaction in me that it did but I am not sure what I could have enjoyed more than a public competition matching dogs and owners in costumes against each other.

Yet it did get better for me. Way better. There was a catwalk (yes I said catwalk) erected on the street for the event. Right behind the catwalk were

two men sharing a microphone commentating the entire affair via very loud speakers. They reminded me of the two commentators in the movie "Best in Show". Appropriately there were many references to costumes being fetching.

My favorite moment happened when the commentators were announcing the first and second place finishers in one of the divisions. The announcers mentioned that only two people competed so both of them will place. After announcing the 2nd place finisher they announced the winner who put her hand over her mouth and squealed while acting totally surprised. She and her dog both wore matching red hats as part of their costume representing the Red Hat Society.

I took more than 10 minutes of video on my phone that I hope has some "Best in Show" moments on it.
each other.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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