Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Preach Faith Till You Have It"

The great preacher John Wesley once considered giving up preaching altogether when he came to grips with his lack of "sufficient" faith in God. He told his friend Peter Boehler of his notion to quit and was advised against it. Boehler told Wesley, "Preach faith till you have it; and then, because you have it, you will preach faith." Thankfully Wesley heeded his friends advice.

Throughout church history there have been many people who have preached on what they have yet to experience. William Seymour ushered in Pentecostalism before he had yet felt the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The great English Vicar A.A. Boddy preached on the availability of speaking in tongues to modern Christians nine months before he ever experienced the gift. Just a few decades ago John Wimber professed healing as a part of normative Christianity well before he saw people being healed in his ministry.

I desire to preach that which is biblical even when I have not personally experienced it yet. I want my faith to precede my expectation. I have heard Christian leaders tell pastors that congregations will experience what they hear preached. I believe that is often true. There is a higher probability that people will pray for healing if it is encouraged from the pulpit regularly. Those that pray for healing more often will probably see more healings than those that don't.

Thinking about this makes me again thankful for Pastor John and Redeemer. Hearing sermons on and studying The Real Jesus the past several years makes me excited for what is being produced in our people.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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