Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Asking God to Help Me See

Sometimes I find myself feeling numb toward the needs of people I see throughout my day. It concerns me to think that I can become unmoved by people without homes, food, or those in pain either emotionally or physically. Sometimes I try to tell myself that it's because of how common it has become to see people in need that I don't always feel stirred inside. But I don't think that is true.

When someone cuts in front of me in line at the grocery store I am not numb to it emotionally. That has happened numerous times in my life. When I feel slighted by someone (whether perceived or real) I am not numb to it. I may not show it on the outside but I definitely notice it. When the waitstaff at a restaurant gives what I deem poor service I notice it and internally react. Why should those type of things cause reactions in me greater than when another human being is in need?

I will be more like Jesus when I care less about the goings on of my own little kingdom and more about bringing justice to the marginalized. Jesus was moved to tears with great emotion over the needs of the people of Jerusalem. I want eyes that see people the way He does.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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