Saturday, July 16, 2011

Oh Canada

Waking up slowly this morning in a little town about an hour north of Toronto. A few highlights:

Yesterday as the Canadian customs officer at the border was asking where we lived my four year old daughter yelled out "Africa!" as I was giving a very different answer. A furrowed brow and a suspicious look followed as the officer said, "Did she just say Africa?"

I forgot (again) that Tim Horton's in Canada does not accept Visa. Tim Horton's is 50 yards away across the street from our hotel. Their largest coffee is a medium.

We are not in the late 90's anymore. Cashiers treat American money like I just handed them a VHS of Waterworld in barter for goods and services.

Calling Canada Michigan's "Upper Peninsula" isn't as funny here for some reason.

Six of us crammed in the Crown Vic for 7 hours was actually very fun. Elbow room is overrated.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Be careful now . . . Joey Votto is from Canada.

  2. Ashleigh makes me laugh! AND...I wonder about her prophetic inheritance!


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