Monday, January 24, 2011

Introducing Clair & Anne

The picture on the right is of my new friends Clair and Anne. I have seen them around our community several times over the years, but I just got to know them this past week. They have been married for many years and are a delightful couple to be around. Anne is very sweet and Clair has always appeared to me to be dignified and stoic.

Anne is currently struggling with several very serious health issues. Her right eye is almost completely blind. A recent bout with pneumonia has left her dependent on an oxygen tank for consistent breathing. There are also numerous aches and pains that have accumulated over the past couple years.

This past Saturday night, along with a few of my friends, I was able to pray for her. She said that she saw a marked improvement in the amount of brightness she could see out of the edges of her right eye. Her and I were both excited at the improvement (giant of faith that I am I tried not to act shocked). I also prayed for her breathing to be restored fully and for God to move on her entire body. She said she physically felt the  presence of God as we prayed.

While I prayed for her, my friends Sue, Josh, Patt, and Daniel were praying for Clair. Anne had shared with all of us what a great husband he has been to her all these years. As they prayed Clair began to laugh.  It was the kind of laugh that seemed to at first bubble up inside him and then came out like a river. Sue laughed with him. Not to be irreverent but it sounded to me like God was tickling them both. It was truly precious. Anne, hearing her husband giggle while we were praying, looked up at  me and said, "It's been years since he's had the spirit of laughter." She thought it was such a good thing for him to be laughing that way in the presence of God after all the serious things they have been through together lately. It's funny, as Clair joyously laughed I felt better and better. It was contagious.

Anne said that I could use their pictures and ask anyone that may read this to pray for them. I don't know yet if Anne's breathing has improved. Let's pray for 100% full recovery for her lungs and for her vision. I will post as soon as I hear an update. Until then I hope that the laughter continues.

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet event :) I will remember to pray everytime I see/hear someone laugh today.


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