Monday, July 26, 2010

Bible Study

I have been rereading Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, Revised Edition and  The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation preparing to teach Bible Study Methods at RMS. I believe they are the two best seminary level texts available as introductions to hermeneutics and exegesis. Like many great works, I am still learning new things after multiple readings. I will be using excerpts of these books in the class and in future posts.

I use Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible as the textbook for the class. This is the most interactive bible study textbook I have seen. This book, while not as thorough or technical as those above, is aimed at the practice of bible study. It does a better job of showing how to study the bible soundly than any other I have seen.

The writings of Craig Blomberg, co-author of "Introduction to Biblical Interpretation", and Grant Osborne, author of "The Hermeneutical Spiral", have been significant resources for my personal study. Osborne's commentary on Revelation is the best of the many I have used. Blomberg's works on the parables of Jesus is groundbreaking and goes against the current of scholarly consensus that has flowed for over 200 years.

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