Saturday, February 20, 2010

Passing the Healing Baton

(William Branham & Oral Roberts)

Dr. Charles Price and Smith Wigglesworth were famous worldwide for the healings that took place through their ministries. They were seemingly as different as two men with the same vocation could possibly be. Price was professorial, articulate and proper. Wigglesworth was illiterate well into his adult years, spoke brusquely, and seemed to have no awareness of social niceties.

During their later years they both independently prophesied that God was going to bring about a healing revival soon after their lives were over. Wiggleworth and Price passed away within 5 days of each other in March of 1947.

The expected revival of healing seemed to occur within months of Price and Wigglesworth passing. In the spring of 1947 both Oral Roberts and William Branham began to attract international attention through their healing ministries. Oral Roberts was tall, handsome, well educated, and gifted at building organizations. William Branham was more country than chicken fried chicken, uneducated, and seemed awkwardly uncomfortable talking about himself or his ministry.  They were as different as... well, Charles Price and Smith Wigglesworth.

These are the two men that were the catalysts of The Voice of Healing era that lasted throughout the 1950's. 

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