Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Congressman is Healed!

William D. Upshaw was born near Atlanta in 1866. He grew up as a farmboy until the age of 18. While doing his chores one day he fell on the crosspiece of a hay wagon and fractured his spine. The accident caused him to be paralyzed from the waist down. He spent the majority of the next seven years confined to his bed.

William had become a Christian shortly before the accident and depended strongly upon The Lord for strength during that time. He was a gifted writer and poet. His work was often published in the local newspaper "The Sunny South".

In time, William regained some mobility and was able to use crutches and a wheelchair. He writings were published into a book titled Earnest Willie.  The money earned from the book allowed him to attend Mercer College when he was 29 years old. 

In 1918 William Upshaw was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was reelected in 1920, 1922, and 1924. In 1932 he was the presidential candidate of The Prohibition Party. From 1933-1952 he was the president of the National Christian Citizen Foundation. As their president he traveled the country preaching against alcohol and communism. He also had served on two separate occasions as the vice-president of The Southern Baptist Convention.

On the evening of May 2, 1951 a 85 year old William Upshaw attended a William Branham crusade meeting at the Calvary Temple in Los Angeles. At the outset of the meeting William Branham spoke from the microphone of a vision he was seeing in the moment, "A young man falling from a hay stack and breaking his back. A doctor with a white mustache and glasses that sit low on his nose, working on the young man, but to no avail. The youngster grows to become a famous person who writes books. People are applauding him." 

William Upshaw notified one of the ushers that he was the man from that vision. The ushers in turn told Branham the the man from his vision is in attendance and that the man is a former U.S. congressman. They brought Upshaw to Branham in his wheelchair. Upshaw asked, "My son, how  did you know that I fell and hurt myself as a boy?" 

Branham responded, " I can't tell you sir. I only say what I see."

Upshaw said, "God bless you my boy."

Then Branham prayed for people in the healing lines. Upshaw later said that people all around him were being healed of their ailments. After much ministry time had passed William Branham was so exhausted that he needed to be helped out when ministry time ended. William Upshaw was still in his wheelchair. 

As Braham was being helped away he saw another vision. This vision was not of William Upshaw's accident but rather it was a vision of a healthy William Upshaw walking without crutches. William Branham spoke of what he saw and the pastor of Calvary Temple, Leroy Kopp, rushed to the microphone and announced that William Branham said that , "The congressman is healed!"

William Upshaw immediately stood and walked toward the pulpit. It was the first time he had walked without crutches in over 66 years. William Upshaw would have full use of his legs until he passed away on November 21, 1952.

Before William Upshaw died he published his healing testimony in a tract that was delivered to every Senator and each member of The House of Representatives, President Truman, Winston Churchill, and King George of England.

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