Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Does "Revival" Look Like?

One of my passions is the study of Christian history. I especially am interested in what are commonly called revivals throughout church history. However, distinguishing something as a “revival” is a highly subjective thing largely based on one’s own upbringing. For example, many churches schedule “revivals” one week year with a visiting preacher and evening services. That is in no way a bad thing, but it does not carry the same meaning to me as when God sovereignly moves upon a specific location. That is why I prefer the term “Move of God”.

As I study what I believe to be Moves of God through history I look for characteristics that seem to be consistent in each of them. I also find that certain characteristics or qualities in some that are not present in others. The following is a list of 10 characteristics that seem to be present whenever there is a sustained Move of God in a specific location:

1. Biblical texts are proclaimed through preaching and teaching
2. People are delivered from physical and emotional bondages
3. A recognizable sense among people of The Presence of God in the place
4. Internal transformation (identity, behavior, etc.)
5. External transformation (evangelism, outreach to the marginalized, poor, etc.)
6. A truth is restored in a new or fresh manner (The Father’s Love for ex.)
7. Repentance, exhibited by disenculturation and then true fellowship
8. Resistance and persecution against the move (it may come from within or from outside)
9. A greater devotion to God through worship and prayer
10. An increased sense of awe and reverence toward God

As I consider each of the above characteristics I feel so grateful about what God has done and is doing in our body. I now find myself praying that:

• We continue to grow as Pastor John leads us through a deeper understanding of The Gospels
• We never tire of hearing the testimonies of those released from Satan’s grip
• We are transformed in the Manifest Presence of God
• More and more people find their identity in Christ
• Our love for the poor and marginalized will continue to be expressed with action
• The real Jesus will be fully unveiled in our midst
• We will be a people that fully repent and wholly embrace the values of Jesus’ Kingdom
• We will be undeterred from following God when we experience resistance
• Our devotion to God in prayer and worship would be motivated by our awe, reverence and deep love for Him.

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