Tuesday, December 29, 2009

a few odds and ends in my head

This is being written in my phone so please excuse any editing issues that are neglected.
I love new beginnings. New days, months, years, birthdays, and anything else that I can convince myself will give me a fresh start. Deep inside I am an optimist. Even when things are going really well I look forward to tomorrow because I believe it will be even better. So that said, I am considering with joyful anticipation this coming year and decade.

I am trying to meditate on the things I believe God has spoken over the years to me about the future. Most of those things have come from other people but some I feel like God has spoken to me directly. (I usually find it much easier to hear God about other people more than I do about my own situations.) I pray into those things. Often.

Beginning to read The Brothers Karamazov with Emily Stokes. Magnificent.

Jeremiah Werstein is a PC.

Ashleigh was singing along with Jake Hamilton's "The Great IAM" today. It was really sweet and I was tempted to spiritualize the moment for a millisecond until she began to sing, "Great I am! Great I am! Great Ashleigh is! Great Ashleigh is!" She sang that while joyfully bouncing and pointing at herself. It was fantastic! Her version and Jake Hamilton's both seem correct to me.


  1. Taking your statement and a known fact we get:
    Jeremiah Werstein is a PC,
    PC's are the best,
    therefore, Jeremiah Werstein is the best.

  2. I don't know if we should encourage such tomfoolery from Jeremiah.

  3. re: Simpson - glad to hear that he didn't believe you were "broken or defective" if you didn't immediately receive the gift of tongues upon redemption. I didn't, still (sadly) haven't, but God has give me the grace to no longer see myself as "less than" because it hasn't happened for me YET. I look forward..
    re: Gordon - I am surprised to read the bio of him in light of my encounters with material from the Moody Bible Institute. It saddened me to see what they have thrown away. Although they do respectful (and respectable) work, what a shame they departed from the guidance of a man who really "got it". I so admire his faith...what have I heard...something about not lowering God to our experiences (or expectations)?? He was light years ahead of his time. Thank goodness for us!


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