Saturday, April 16, 2011

God Broke My Paradigm...and I liked it.

As I ponder and reflect on all that took place last week my mind often lands on a few of the moments that I found to be especially fun.

One of them is the Rock Concert / Worship / Deliverance atmosphere during Angela Greenig's daytime session. What a riot! I have taught on deliverance several times over the years in a few different contexts. I have tried to personally witness several different methods that others use and have read many books on the subject. I have NEVER seen anything like what took place that morning. Ever.

She threw little toy army men at people to remind them we are in a spiritual battle. She waved a sword violently as she prayed. She yelled AT people in tongues. She seemed to have a "Come and get some!" attitude with the demonic. Because of her I can use the words "leg scissors" and "ministry" together in a sentence.

Angela did everything that I have ever told students not to do. She did some other things I had not thought to tell them not to do. And the best part? I never once felt like things were amiss as it all took place. There are some things that are wise as principles but should not be made into strict laws of behavior.

There was yelling, falling, pushing, crying, and people being touched by God. As she ministered I thought of Smith Wigglesworth. If I were a pastor in a church in the first half of the 20th century that Smith ministered in I can imagine that I would of been aghast as he wound up to strike someone with an infirmity. I hope that my offense would be gone as the fruit of their healing was evident and I recognized that God was was not sharing my offense. As I reflect I am smiling. The body of Christ is beautifully diverse and thankfully God did not make everyone like me.

I hope to see Angela again. I can learn much from her. She has experienced some things I have only read about in books. God is using her in areas that many have been unwilling to go. I am praying for God's Kingdom to keep advancing through the unlikeliest of people in the unlikeliest of places in the unlikeliest of ways.

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1 comment:

  1. Josh,
    I learned a lot by exegeting 1 Cor 14:40, particularly examining the words "decently" and "in order". God bless!


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