Friday, March 11, 2011

Volunteers Needed:

The Salvation Army Warming Center is a facility that gives people without shelter a place to stay when temperatures are expected to be below 32 degrees. The Warming Center is scheduled to cease operating for the season on Saturday night March 12th . If we can find volunteers to monitor the facility from 8pm - 8am each night we could help keep the Warming Center open until the winter weather breaks (which may be within a couple of weeks). There are usually 8 or 9 people on average staying the night at the facility. Sometimes there are as few as 2 or 3 depending on the severity of the weather.

There currently are shelters for women and children in Monroe so the vast majority of the people staying at the Warming Center are males.
If you are interested in volunteering for this in the next 2 weeks please contact me (Josh - 693-1831; ) and I will give the specifics of what volunteering would entail. It feels like a Jesus-opportunity to help provide shelter to people without any. Any amount of time you can donate between 8pm -8am would be very helpful.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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