Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Own British Invasion

I have been listening so much to N.T. Wright's lectures of late that I am beginning to hear my own thoughts with an English accent. My shed-yule has been quite full this week so I have often listened while driving. I have also been listening to the English ex-patriot Mark Goodacre's podcasts (how can the word podcast not trigger a spellcheck warning BUT podcasts is deemed unacceptable. Blogger recommends that I hyphenate the plural of podcast making it pod-casts. For real? Is there a plural I am unaware of?) who seems to feel it is his global duty to mention the BBC, soccer, and all things metric in each recording. It's amazing I'm driving on the right (opposed to left) side of the road and not racing home to watch Dr. Who on the telly.

The two of them seem to disagree on many important subjects, however they both challenge my preconceptions about the New Testament regularly. That is what I desperately need. I think it is necessary that my paradigms are challenged and stretched for me to grow. I find that I am able to come to my own conclusions more rapidly on a subject when I am challenged to consider opposing or new viewpoints. Even if I do not agree with the conclusions that one arrives at I am better for having to consider why I can't hold their opinion.

I specifically value the graciousness that N.T. Wright extends to those who disagree with him while not retreating from his position. There is a humility that seems to underlie all of his work that I hope is contagious via paper, kindle, and podcast(s). 

Bishop Wright
Mark Goodacre


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