Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Furious Love Event

Furious Love Event

On April 6-9, 2011, nine internationally renowned speakers will be coming to Monroe, Michigan. The Furious Love Event, which was conceived and is being produced by Monroe native Darren Wilson, and his film production company, Wanderlust Productions, will feature four days of world class teaching on the many subjects highlighted in Darren’s first two feature films, Finger of God and Furious Love. The Event will be held at Redeemer Fellowship Church. Registration is required.

The movies, which have been seen by millions around the world, cover a wide range of experiences Darren and his film crew have had while traveling the world in an attempt to film the various moves and character of God. Whether it be miracles, demon possession, spiritual warfare, or radical love, the two films have helped ignite a shift in Christians and churches all around the world towards love and compassion, as well as a new understanding of the power of God.

The speakers will include Heidi & Rolland Baker (Mozambique), Philip Mantofa (Indonesia), Mattheus van der Steen (Netherlands), Shampa Rice (India), Angela Greenig, Will Hart, Robby Dawkins, and Greg Boyd.

For more information or to register, the website for the Event is Group rates and discounts are also available.

For more information on Wanderlust Productions or their films, visit or call 847-628-1142.

Below are details on each speaker for the Event:

Heidi and Rolland Baker, who have seen thousands of miracles in Mozambique, including nearly 100 people raised from the dead. They also care for nearly 10,000 orphans through their ministry, Iris.

Philip Mantofa, who pastors a church of 30,000 in Indonesia, the most Muslim nation in the world.

Angela Greenig, who has been a part of thousands of demonic deliverances over the years. Her story of leading a prominent Satanist to Christianity is highlighted in Furious Love.

Mattheus van der Steen, a Holland evangelist who regularly preaches to tens of thousands all over the world, and has preached alongside noted evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

Robby Dawkins, a Chicago Vineyard pastor who travels the world teaching on deliverance and power evangelism.

Will Hart, a young evangelist who has spent the last 12 years of his life traveling to some of the most remote places in the world to spread the good news of Christ.

Shampa Rice, a former “slumdog” who now runs a children’s home and other ministries in her native India. She has seen incredible miracles and transformations simply through what she describes as “hugging ministry.”

Greg Boyd, noted author of books such as Letters From A Skeptic, God At War, and The Myth of a Christian Nation.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eyewitness Account of The Cane Ridge Revival of 1800 in Kentucky

The Rev. Moses Hoge described the Cane Ridge camp meeting, in an account that could stand for similar meetings of that period:

The careless fall down, cry out, tremble, and not infrequently are affected with convulsive twitchings.…

Nothing that imagination can paint, can make a stronger impression upon the mind, than one of those scenes. Sinners dropping down on every hand, shrieking, groaning, crying for mercy, convulsed; professors praying, agonizing, fainting, falling down in distress, for sinners or in raptures of joy!.…

As to the work in general there can be no question but it is of God. The sub jects of it, for the most part are deeply wounded for their sins, and can give a clear and rational account of their conversion.…

Excerpt from Christian History Magazine issue 26 1989


"God is rescuing us from the shipwreck of the world, not so that we can sit back and put our feet up in his company, but so that we can be part of his plan to remake the world. We are in orbit around God and his purposes, not the other way around."
N.T. Wright in Justification: God's Plan and Paul's Vision

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Location:Frenchtown,United States

Daniel 9

In Daniel 9 we see Daniel repenting for his sins and the sins of his people. How I need a heart that recognizes (& grieves)my own sin but also cares for others in such a way that I would feel personally impacted by their sin. Too often I am slow to recognize my own shortcomings & am callous in regards to others distance from God. I am praying for a heart like Daniel's.

posted via phone

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Own British Invasion

I have been listening so much to N.T. Wright's lectures of late that I am beginning to hear my own thoughts with an English accent. My shed-yule has been quite full this week so I have often listened while driving. I have also been listening to the English ex-patriot Mark Goodacre's podcasts (how can the word podcast not trigger a spellcheck warning BUT podcasts is deemed unacceptable. Blogger recommends that I hyphenate the plural of podcast making it pod-casts. For real? Is there a plural I am unaware of?) who seems to feel it is his global duty to mention the BBC, soccer, and all things metric in each recording. It's amazing I'm driving on the right (opposed to left) side of the road and not racing home to watch Dr. Who on the telly.

The two of them seem to disagree on many important subjects, however they both challenge my preconceptions about the New Testament regularly. That is what I desperately need. I think it is necessary that my paradigms are challenged and stretched for me to grow. I find that I am able to come to my own conclusions more rapidly on a subject when I am challenged to consider opposing or new viewpoints. Even if I do not agree with the conclusions that one arrives at I am better for having to consider why I can't hold their opinion.

I specifically value the graciousness that N.T. Wright extends to those who disagree with him while not retreating from his position. There is a humility that seems to underlie all of his work that I hope is contagious via paper, kindle, and podcast(s). 

Bishop Wright
Mark Goodacre


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Mother's Prayer Answered

The clips below are just the audio of R.W. Shambach telling of a miracle he witnessed at an A.A. Allen meeting. I have played these for our RMS students each year. I start to cry each time that I hear it.

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