Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Come & Join Us

Kristen Jacovetti will be preaching and Kellie Robinson will be leading worship at 9pm at Newport Beach Cafe. Posted from Blogium for iPhone

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Morning in Montana

This morning I preached at First Baptist Church on Luke 9:1-2, "1When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick."

I explained that:
Jesus has commissioned believers to bring The Kingdom of God to earth.  Every believer has the ability and responsibility to live from heaven to earth.  Christianity was never intended to be a spectator sport, rather it is to be a active lifestyle based on a intimate relationship with the one who rules from heaven.  As people turn their eyes and ears toward the ways of heaven they can recognize areas on earth that need to be transformed.    Whether a child or a senior citizen or anywhere in age between, the job of the follower of Jesus is to bring as much of Jesus' Kingdom into their present circumstances as possible.

Saturday Night in Montana

Alex Davies from Life!Worship (a band that has covered and recorded Pastor John's "You Are My Refuge") did a great job leading worship tonight.  Alex is from Montana and has attended this conference as a youth.  There were about 65 current students attending this weekend along with approximately 20 adults leaders plus Beth, Ashleigh and I.  

There were more testimonies of students and adults that were healed while being prayed for by other youth.   People were healed of  headaches, sinus congestion, and shoulder pain today.  Best of all, many of those people were prayed for when we were not having a service.   

I am preaching on Luke 9:1-2 on Sunday morning at First Baptist Church in Great Falls to their congregation plus everyone from the conference.  I pray that I can convey the awe that  I feel as The Real Jesus continues to be unveiled to me.  I am absolutely captivated by Him.  Every week I find Him to be more astonishing than the week before. I love getting to talk about Him.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Morning

This morning there were five or six testimonies of Jesus healing people this weekend. We had the students that had been healed pray for those who felt ill. I then taught on Acts 3:1-10 focusing on the principle that we can give away whatever we have experienced in The Kingdom. Tonight I will give students the opportunity to publicly give themselves fully to the work of Jesus' Kingdom.
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Saturday Morning

Tomorrow morning I plan on talking about how in The Kingdom you can give away whatever you have. The things that God conquers in your life are the very things you are then empowered to pass along to others. I also want to leave time to teach about the language of The Kingdom (1 Cor. 14:3). I believe that speaking prophetically to each other should be the norm.

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Friday Night in Montana

Tonight I preached about how Jesus revealed The Kingdom of God through The Sermon on the Mount specifically and through the demonstration of miracles, signs, and wonders. After the sermon I had everyone who felt ill stand up and had the rest of the room work as the prayer team. For many, it was the first time they had ever prayed for another person's healing. I guided them through commanding the sickness to leave in Jesus' name and praying for The Kingdom of God to manifest. The room felt electric afterward. It is so much fun to partner with people stepping out in faith. Tomorrow morning everyone who feels markedly improved will share at the beginning of the service. Testimonies are a great way to start the day.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I preached this morning on 1 John 3:8. Jesus appeared for the purpose of destroying the works of the devil. John 10:10 says that the devil (the thief) comes to steal, kill, and destroy. What are the works of the devil? Anwhere that there is death, destruction, and things are robbed are evidence that the thief, the devil has had his way. So we can say that Jesus came to destroy the destruction caused by the devil. Things like disease, poverty, abuse, and depression are the very things Jesus came to destroy.
Tonight I will preach about the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.
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Back in Monroe at 9pm tonight John Steger is preaching & Josh Thomas is leading worship at Newport Beach Cafe. It's going to be a great night!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tonight I am preaching at the JOLT Youth Conference in Great Falls, Montana.  Beth, Ash, and I will be here all weekend as I am preaching a total of six times. 

My first message is going to focus on God's incredible love and plan for each person.  God knew you before you were ever born.  He put you together with His own hands (Psalm 139).  In fact, before the earth was even formed He chose people to be His very own (Ephesians1).    God says that we are His artistic masterpieces created for specific good purposes. 

Starting tomorrow morning I will spend the next several sermons focusing on The Real Jesus. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

On the plane for Great Falls, Montana. Sitting between 2 guys at least my size. Funny.
Beth & Ash are sitting a row ahead.
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Friday, October 9, 2009

Steve Bedford is preaching tonight at Newport Beach Cafe.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mike Hammill preached at the cafe last night and did a tremendous job. Kellie Robinson led worship. It was a great night.
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Friday, October 2, 2009

Sometimes I'm truly awed by the quality people that I get to spend my life with. The character, desire, and commitment to Jesus I see is stunning. I see authentic Christianity on display every day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Been listening to Larry Norman. Some music is timeless. His is not. It is brilliant lyrically but the lyrics are tied completely to the events of his era. It's like a musical commentary late 60s & early 70s. Very enjoyable.
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RMS 2 today at 11:30am. Pastor John discusses the probability of Josh Thomas walking on water.
I just set up my phone to text posts. This is like Twitter with even fewer people reading.

Today Clay Ford flew into town from California. Clay is the National Chairman of HSRM, a pastor, and he has written a great booklet called Living the Spirit Filled Life. He will be here through Saturday. I wish he were with us longer as I would love for him to meet with the students at RMS.
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