Monday, March 12, 2012

Personal Revival - A Beginning

On New Years Eve I was reading in the first chapter of Genesis when my eyes landed on the words in verse 29.

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. (Genesis 1:29 NIV)

It seemed like that verse was leaping off the page in 3D toward me. I tried to read on but I knew, like really knew that God was saying something to me. What was He saying? I knew with certainty I was being directed, at least to begin with, to eat a plant based diet and forego consuming animal products. How did I know it was God speaking to me? I just knew. I felt a knowing that was deeper than my own thoughts. At times over the years when I have felt assuredly that I had heard a direction from God it was almost always followed with an expectancy that I could accomplish what He was instructing. It was the same on this late December afternoon. I suddenly felt confident that I could change my eating habits drastically and probably permanently. That assuredness has always been a great indicator for me that I am actually hearing from God.

It wasn't that God wanted me to just change the way I eat. I slowly began to realize that He wanted to radically change the way I live. I couldn't have envisioned how much He would change in just a couple of months. Thankfully there is much much more change coming. He is a good God. He loves me so much that He wants me to live both healthy and happy.

To partner with what I believed God was initiating, the past two months I have tried to find out the best sources and information about nutrition and healthy living. My poor family has had to listen to me pontificate ad infinitum about the quality of protein in broccoli, the diets of centenarians in Okinawa, the myriad of places corn shows up stealthily on our supermarket shelves, and the preventability and reversibility of most diseases through proper nutrition.

This journey is both fun and life-giving for me. I feel renewed and invigorated. As a whole person - physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental - I feel like I am having a personal revival.

God did it. I am looking forward to Him doing much much more.

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