Friday, September 24, 2010


Dave Nutt is preaching tonight and Kelllie Robinson is leading worship at  Newport Beach Cafe. It begins at 9pm and everyone is invited.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

For information about the School of Healing & Impartation with Randy Clark in January click here.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quite a Boddy of Work

There are certain types of characters in history that capture my attention. I find my curiosity piqued by people that have a Forrest Gump quality to them who find their way into significant moments. 

A.A.Boddy (1854-1930) was one of those people. I began to see his name pop up in my research of The Welsh Revival, Azusa Street, and Smith Wigglesworth among others. Boddy was involved with revivals in several countries. His spiritual hunger coupled with his passion for exploration led him to travel from England to Canada, The U.S., North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, and Russia. Intercontinental travel was not fast or safe during his lifetime. His writings of those exploits earned him membership in the Royal Geographical Society (England) and the Imperial Geographical Society (Russia).

Boddy was an Anglican minister ordained by the famous bishop J.B. Lightfoot. Author Keith Malcolmson says that the Pentecostal Revival in Britain began at the church Boddy pastored. His newsletter "Confidence" was the first pentecostal periodical on record. Boddy was involved or present at significant movements of God all over the globe. 

His wife Mary was a multi-talented woman. She was musically gifted, a skilled teacher, and saw many people healed through her ministry. She also had a reputation for "helping seekers into the experience of the baptism of The Spirit". In 1907 when she laid hands on a plumber from Bradford he had a life changing encounter with The Holy Spirit. His name was Smith Wigglesworth.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A few pictures while at Yankee Stadium courtesy of my wife's photography.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ben Collins has developed a blog for our meetings at Newport Beach Cafe each Friday night. Check it out here.

RMS - Come Join Us For 9 Months

Redeemer Ministry School begins on September 13.Below are the comments of three recent RMS graduates about the experience.

"Before RMS I didn't understand how to be in a relationship with Christ. I wanted Him to tell me what to do, so I could just do it. I knew I should spend time with Him, but I didn't really understand why it was so important. I began to depend on other people who were in relationship with Christ for my direction in life. I was constantly searching out others for a "word" so I could just do what He wanted me to do. This left me anxious and fearful anytime my life presented options or obstacles.

During the 9 months of RMS, I dedicated myself to the school and to Christ. I did what was asked of me though I didn't expect much to change. Slowly, I began to understand that what I had (and wanted) before with Christ wasn't a relationship. I began to hear Him speak again. He challenged me, loved on me, and even joked with me!! Through the excellent guidance and teachings of the staff, I began to see my God in a whole new way. I began a relationship with Christ and it is still growing and evolving today. Though I still have struggles and failures, I have found the peace that passes understanding."

- Holly Holladay

"RMS has provided me with things I didn't even know were missing from my life. It gave me a safe place to ask hard questions, a family with which to share what I was learning and experiencing, and a solid contextual understanding of the Bible. Any of the teachers alone is worth spending nine months with, but all of them together is a year worth marking down as red letter. Each class builds off the others to provide a continual, daily renewal of intimacy with, knowledge of, and love for the Creator who wants nothing more than to call me His own. I found myself wanting to go to class, not because the teachers are magnificent, but because, more often than not, God showed up for class too."

- Emma Stokes

"The most remarkable gift of RMS was spiritual discipline. While I was prepared for a return to academic discipline, the surprise was that a real effort toward implementing the values we were being taught
played a significant role in the process of inner changes. The flower on this Vine was a true, intimate relationship with God for the first time in my life. Our Father delights in giving us so many good gifts;
discernment, insight,peace, steadiness, self-revelation, strength of spirit. But they are only available to us through intentional, quiet interaction with Him on a daily basis. This relationship can't help but seep into every other area of life, and in the invasion, He conquers, tears down, and heals. I can joyfully and truthfully speak
out the reality that I am not the same person I was the first day of RMS; the changes started on the surface and went into the very fabric of my spirit. It remains the single most rewarding and enriching experience of my life!
Thank you, RMS Professors & Staff.

- Patt Busenbark

Creationists, Snake Handlers, and Faith Healers in SBL?

There is a new article in Christianity Today about the relationship between faith and scholarship within religious studies. You can read it here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I am home from vacation and I will ease my way back into blogging. (Deep breath)

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